
Our vendor application is now opened! Please e-mail if you have any questions.
All final decisions will be made three weeks prior to the festival. Thank you for considering.

Thank you for applying. Currently vendor applications are closed.
Contact our 2022 Juneteenth team to be put on the waiting list at

Application Deadline: May 31st, 2022Training/Orientation: June 6th, 2022
(not applicable to Information & Resource

See Vendor LevelsBecome a Vendor

Vendor Types

Food Vendor
  • (1) Tent, (1) 6-ft table, (2) Chairs, Health Permits & Booth  
Business/Arts & Crafts Vendor
  • (1) Tent, (1) 6-ft table, (2) Chairs & Booth 
Space Vendor
  • (1) 10x10 area (no tables and chairs)  
Carts Vendor
  • (1) 5x5 space only 
Info Tent/Arena (For Profit)
  • (1) 6-foot table & (2) Chairs*  (will be placed under the Information tent or in building.)
Info Tent/Arena (Non-Profit)
  • (1) 6-foot table & (2) Chairs*  (will be placed under the Information tent or in building.)


$125 Food Booth (Deposit REQUIRED)

Become a VendorBecome a Vendor

Business Information

All fields are required.

Contact Information

All fields are required.

Social Media Information

Vendor Level

I am interested in vending at the the following level:

Payment Method

Receipt will be emailed to you
By submitting, I give AACSA permission to promote my business. All information provided above has been reviewed and authorized.
Submission not working? Check to make sure you inputted all required fields.
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The Juneteenth in the Park Festival 2020 is looking for volunteers to assist during the Festival. Typical volunteer activities include assisting attendees, working admissions, capturing on social media platforms, and more.The Juneteenth in the Park Festival is an inclusive event. We welcome people from all different backgrounds, across race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and identity to volunteer. This includes people with disabilities, as well as the elderly. Help us make the Juneteenth in the Park Festival a success!

Sign-up to volunteer!


The Juneteenth in the Park Festival features Black arts, crafts, food and wine vendors, as well as non-profits, community services, and entertainment. While we highly encourage Black-owned and affiliated organizations to participate, the Juneteenth in the Park Festival is an inclusive event and we welcome anyone who wants to help celebrate and contribute to Juneteenth.

Become a vendor today!


The Juneteenth in the Park Festival gives local artists and performers the stage and platform to perform and entertain. We encourage acts of all talents to sign-up to participate. We look forward to seeing you on center stage!

Sign-up to perform!